
QPCRのトラブル、夏の幽霊? A trouble in QPCR by summer ghost?

昨年夏のある日、その前日まで動いていた定量PCR (QPCR) が突然動かなくなりました。定量値がテンプレート量と全く相関せず、melting curveを見るとピークが2本。シグナルが意味するところはつまるところコンタミネーション。

結局夏が終わり、秋になっても回復せず。私の夏はQPCRのトラブルシューティングに消えました orz






In my long career of QPCR experiments, I experienced the biggest trouble in the last summer. One day, suddenly, signal showed a severe contamination and the condition never recovered after numbers of troubleshooting (e.g., changing all the reagents and lot, washing and replacing micropipetter, etc.) among the summer. 
Recently, this comes to the end, apparently due to the reason that we changed the place for preparing the mixture: we moved the room, and set a clean booth with HEPA filter. 

It’s difficult to believe that this was the only reason, but I can’t help thinking the room air had some problems… maybe of the air flow with contamination throughout the building, or animal handling in the same room. But after all, I cannot find out the ‘summer ghost’ bringing the trouble I spent all the summer for. 

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