トランプ政権発足後、米国の予算カットが急速に進み、研究環境が激変していますね。Nature, Science誌はじめ毎週のように取り上げられています。この影響で、数千人もの連邦政府の科学者が解雇対象に。この解雇は、保健福祉省(HHS)を中心に、米国農務省(USDA)、国立科学財団(NSF)など、多くの機関に影響。解雇対象者には、試用期間中の職員だけでなく、最近採用されたベテラン科学者や、政府機関に引き抜かれたばかりの経験豊富な研究者も含まれているそうです。
‘Wrecking ball’: RFK Jr. moves to fire thousands of health agency employees
Mass firings decimate U.S. science agencies
‘It is chaos’: US funding freezes are endangering global health
I’m sorry for all those @NIH who have lost their jobs. NIH has funded me for 25 years. 8 of those in UK. NIH is not perfect, but I have always felt it is trying to do the right thing. To fund the best science and to minimise bias and conflict of interest.
— Peter Adams🇪🇺🇺🇳 (@AdamsBioAging) February 15, 2025
Today, along with 2,000 other NIH employees, I had to clear out my office 😭
— Katie Sandlin (@KatieMSandlin) February 14, 2025
It was truly the honor of my life to work with such incredibly passionate people focused on improving human health. pic.twitter.com/s50eyQnEw8
‘Death by ax’: Fate of millions of research animals at stake in NIH payments lawsuit
Japan can be a science heavyweight once more — if it rethinks funding